*** Please note that due to the current COVID-19 situation online booking is limited to medical patients only. If you have any other concerns do not hesitate to contact us.

To book an appointment online click here.

To confirm or cancel an appointment click here.

If you are having trouble with the online system, read below.

Personal Health Number: digits of insurance number (exclude "-", "/" and letters)

Argus uses “-“ between group number and certificate numbers, so remember to drop the “-“.

For BFM use ONLY your "certificate number"; Ignore the group number starting with "G".

  • For example: "Goup number G012340; Certificate number 234567" use only the certificate number "234567".

*** Note: reminder emails for appointments are sent 7 days and 1 day prior to appointment.

Ready to book now? Click here.

If you have any further questions please contact us.